A techno-economic analysis of gigatonne opportunities
Report summary
Catalyzing Carbon Dioxide Removal at Scale analyzes the requirements, challenges and opportunities for removing carbon dioxide from our atmosphere at a multi-gigatonne scale. It identifies new areas for carbon removal innovation, spanning forest management and wildfire prevention, direct ocean capture and alkalinity enhancement, and direct air capture and carbon mineralization. This report also confirms that alongside decarbonization and emissions reduction efforts, big impact strategies for carbon removal are needed to meet 2050 net-zero targets and remain in line with a 1.5°C future.
The Catalyzing Carbon Dioxide Removal at Scale report serves as a foundational document for innovators, industry leaders, investors, academia, policy makers, and Indigenous rights holders seeking to understand:
- Why Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) is essential, and what volume of removal is needed to achieve net-zero targets.
- The requirements, challenges, and technology gaps associated with leading natural and engineered CDR approaches.
- The most efficient and effective innovation pathways to achieve gigatonne-scale CDR, considering variables such as cost, resources, land, and energy considerations.

This report was produced by the B.C. Centre for Innovation and Clean Energy, in collaboration with Innovative Breakthrough Energy Technologies (IBET).
Catalyzing Carbon Dioxide Removal Report
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