Investors, policymakers, companies, and all concerned citizens of a warming planet Earth – take note: “by investing in women, we can spark change and speed the transition towards a healthier, safer, and more equal world for all.” (UN, 2024)
This is especially true in clean energy: to achieve the timely and transformational energy transition we need for a net-zero future, we must leverage all talents, all perspectives, and all experiences we have. And the business case is clear – having more women in decision-making positions improves sustainability, innovation, and profitability, and reduces risk – key factors for advancing clean energy.
At CICE we invest in equitable clean energy innovation like the future of the planet depends on it. Because it does. As of January 2024, 68% of CICE’s investment portfolio features management teams composed from under-represented groups including women, Indigenous peoples, and other equity deserving groups. For International Women’s Day, we’re proud to showcase some of the brilliant minds we work with. We asked them to share pivotal moments in their professional journeys and advice for women to excel in clean energy.
Could you share a pivotal moment or experience in your professional journey that significantly shaped your perspective and contributed to your success today?
“After years in environmental monitoring and earning a master’s in geochemistry, I saw that direct action was critical to addressing environmental challenges. This realization prompted a significant shift—I pursued a PhD in Chemical Engineering to develop practical, applied solutions. Inspired by my mentor, Dr. Marcia Dezotti, I tackled challenges beyond my comfort zone, cultivating innovative approaches. Now, I contribute to climate and carbon management with tangible solutions that have a meaningful impact.”
Sue Satyro
Head of Carbon Solutions – Innovatree
“Over my personal and professional journeys, I have experienced that each one of us has talents that can contribute positively to the lives of other people, animals and nature, and that much of the work happens behind the scenes. I feel a lot of gratitude to the people who have invested their time in helping me (even if that help didn’t feel so good at the time!), and to the many unknown people who worked to make the world a better place for me.”
Susan Koch
Board Member – CICE
“In the early stages of my career, I was fortunate to work on a marine conservation project in Indonesia, understanding the impact of climate change on the resident manta ray population and surrounding reefs. Witnessing the resilience of both the animals and the community was inspirational, and a pivotal moment in motivating me to dedicate my career to making a positive impact on the environment.”
Ashley Callister
Low Carbon Fuels Lead – CICE
“A pivotal experience that shaped my journey was participating in an international exchange as a student to experience working and living in Germany – this broadened my perspective and appreciation for multinational collaboration.”
Laura Sloboda
Acting Director, Hydrogen Hub – SFU
“The first time I had the honor of mentoring a team. I am still blown away by the diverse ways we think and the raw energy you see in people that are passionate about learning, creating, and bringing their unique experiences to the table to make change happen, especially in start-ups.”
Stacy Gorkoff
Head of Marketing and Communications – CICE
What advice would you give to women aspiring to excel in the clean energy sector?
Communicate effectively:
“Don’t be afraid to ask questions and ask for clarification if it’s needed! Sometimes we miss out on opportunities to learn due to the fear of being perceived as less competent. Practice being fearless – it’s the best way to enhance your knowledge.”
Sumreen Rattan
Co-founder & COO – Moment Energy
“Whatever the composition of the room you are in, it is important to understand where other people are coming from to take collective climate action. We need to get many different cultures and entire societies on board, so let’s make sure we leave no one behind.”
Lara Depla
Clean Energy Analyst – CICE
Seize opportunities:
“Don’t be afraid to try new things: I love wearing a lot of hats in my role. It has given me the opportunity to take on new challenges, learn new things, find new passions, and lean into the “uncomfortable.” Clean energy and carbon removal is a rapidly growing space and we need a lot of creativity to meet our targets.”
Kelsey Cuddihy
HR Business Partner – Planetary
“Take every chance you can get and meet as many people as possible. You never know who will set you down an exciting new path.”
Marina Starck
Marketing & Engagement Coordinator – CICE
“It’s okay to occasionally feel like giving up and stepping away. However, use these challenging moments as an opportunity to enhance your resilience and return with an even more robust mindset to further progress on your journey. Diverse and resilience mindsets are necessary for the economic growth of the clean energy sector.”
Parisa Chegounian
Scientific Innovation Project Coordinator – Metro Vancouver
“Don’t hesitate to venture into a new sector, embracing opportunities for continual learning and development. The wealth of resources and supportive community within this sector are truly invaluable.”
Jasmine Kwade
Administrative Lead – CICE
Share your perspective:
“The clean energy space needs you. We need more viewpoints and female voices at all levels of our organizations, and especially in leadership and board positions. Let’s collectively shape a sustainable future!”
Shannon Halliday
Vice President, Corporate Affairs – HTEC
“Absorb information, find your passion, learn, and advocate where you can. The clean energy sector needs more female voices and perspectives. Without them, our progress would be incomplete. Together, let us empower each other and drive meaningful change towards a more sustainable future.”
Chantelle Carden
Carbon Management Lead – CICE
Women bring an invaluable perspective to the clean energy industry. We’re proud to invest in women at CICE, advancing innovation for an equitable clean energy transition. And for all women in clean energy: share your perspective, take every opportunity you can get, and make your voice heard like it’s the catalyst to meaningful change. Because it is.