Sarah Goodman
Sarah Goodman is an executive and climate policy expert known for her ability to work across sectors to drive climate action and sustainable economic opportunities. She is currently President and CEO of the Centre for Innovation and Clean Energy (CICE). CICE invests in the development, commercialization and scaling of clean energy technologies.
Prior to her appointment at CICE, she was a Partner at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), where she advised leading companies and governments around the world on advancing climate solutions and green industrial policy.
Formerly the Prime Minister’s Senior Advisor on Climate Action and Sustainable Economy, Sarah played a leading role in shaping Canada’s national climate change plans and mobilizing over $100 billion in federal investments to accelerate the transition to a net-zero economy.
Throughout her career, Sarah has worked at the nexus of environment, economy, and society. Her experience includes founding a climate and sustainability advisory firm, serving as Senior Vice President at a leading environmental and social change organization, and working in the resource sector for over a decade, including holding executive positions at Teck Resources and Weyerhaeuser.
Sarah is currently on the advisory board for Canada 2020. She previously served on various boards, including TransLink, Reconciliation Canada, the Vancouver Affordable Housing Agency, New Market Funds, Iisaak Forest Resources, and Coast Mental Health.
Sarah holds an MBA from the University of Warwick and a Bachelor of Journalism from Carleton University.